Giemsa Stain Azure B, 1gal, ADI


Product #: 5545

1 Gallon

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Giemsa stain Azure B is a classical blood film stain for peripheral blood smears and bone marrow specimens. It is used to visualize chromosomes, stain fungus histoplasma and identify mast cells. A Romanowsky stain.  Recommended replacement for Harleco® Giemsa Stain Solution, Azure B, 619-71.

For in vitro diagnostic use [IVD]

* This product may have a hazardous shipping charge.


Additional information

Weight 9 lbs
Dimensions 6.25 × 6.25 × 13 in

16 oz, 1 Gallon

Safety Data Sheet

SDS 5545

Hazard Information

UN Hazard Code: 1230

Hazard Description: Danger. Highly flammable liquid vapor. Toxic if swallowed, in contact with skin or if inhaled. Causes damage to organs.

